Schedule Your Exam

Due to staff shortages, we are seeing our backlogs increase in screening mammography and diagnostic appointments. We prioritize patients that need to get into our center for more urgent exams. We are partnering with our sister mammography sites to offer improved access to services. Our goal is to serve you as soon as possible.
How to Make An Appointment
We will work to accommodate your schedule when you make an appointment. We offer Saturday and evening hours for added convenience. We strive to find just the right fit for you whether it’s the first opening available or the last appointment of the day.
We apologize for the long scheduling hold times. Screening mammograms are currently booking out till September. Please ask to be put on the waitlist and/ or schedule your screening mammogram via MyChart as you may be able to receive an earlier appointment due to cancellation.
Hours of operation
- Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 7:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. (Hours may vary based on patient schedules)
- Tuesday 7:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.
- Saturday 7 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. and closed for lunch from 12-1 p.m.
- Saturdays by appointment (Please note that Saturday appointments are only available for screening mammogram)
- Sunday we are closed.
- Schedulers are available 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
To schedule an appointment
- Please call: (253) 759-2622 or toll-free (866) 758-2622 and press “1”
- You can schedule your screening mammogram using MyChart. Click here to schedule online.
- Or use our Open Scheduling – Screening Mammogram
When Scheduling Your Mammogram
- Schedule it a week after your menstrual cycle
- Let us know if you are nursing, pregnant, or might be pregnant
- Let us know if you have breast implants
- Tell us if you have any breast health complaints, concerns or family history of breast cancer
- Be prepared to tell us if and where you have had previous mammograms, breast surgeries or breast biopsies
- Have your insurance card (if applicable) and the name of your current primary health care provider
Preparing for Registration
We look forward to helping you register for your appointment at the breast center as quickly and efficiently as possible. Patients should bring a photo identification and current insurance card with them to all exams. If you have a written referral (order), please bring this as well.
For those patients who have scheduled a bone density exam, please see the patient history form below that you can complete ahead of time and bring with you to speed the check-in process:
Other Important Information
Annual Screening Mammogram & Other Exams
Annual Screening Mammogram:
Women 40 and older do not need a written referral (order) for a routine screening mammogram.All Other Exams:
A written referral (order) from your health care provider is required for the following exams: -
Financial Information
Visit the Financial Information page to learn about exam costs and payment information or Financial Assistance for financial aid details.
Interpretive Services
All patients have the right to participate in and make decisions concerning their health care. To ensure access and understanding for all patients, a variety of free interpretive services are available for our non-English speaking and hearing-impaired patients.
Breast Lump or Pain
If you have any breast symptoms or concerns such as a breast mass, palpable lump, nipple discharge, unusual breast pain, or skin changes, you should contact your health care provider promptly for evaluation, prior to making an appointment at the breast center. Your provider may refer you for a diagnostic mammogram, which will require a written referral.
Patient Privacy
The Carol Milgard Breast Center takes your privacy seriously and adheres to all HIPAA and privacy regulations. See our Joint Notice of Privacy Practices.