CMBC is upgrading the MRI. A mobile unit is in the parking lot. Thank you for your patience during construction.

Patient Requesting Images

Online Access to Your Medical Images

Providing you with secure and convenient access to your medical images performed at CMBC.

Step 1

Step 2

  • Verify your new PowerShare account in your email, then sign in

Step 3

  • Click on Contacts
  • Click on Add New Contacts
  • Click: Category: Hospital/Imaging Facilities
  • Search for: Carol Milgard Breast Center

Patient Requesting Images 1

  • Click: Invite

Step 4

  • Allow 24 hours for your invitation to be processed. You will get an email once complete
  • With this account, you can request, download, share and view images

Manage Email Notifications

  • Login to PowerShare > Click on the down arrow next to your name in the top right-hand corner > Account Settings > Notification Preferences
  • Turn your email notifications on or off based on your preference


Click on ? bottom right-hand corner

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