About the Program
- Assemble a health ministry team with an assigned primary health ministry lead.
- Complete online health trainings
- Complete an action plan and activity sheets
- Conduct a pre and post survey of your congregation
- Provide health awareness programs
- Participate in all FHIA sponsored events including Welcome Celebration, MidYear Celebration and Graduation
- Complete end of year survey
- Use all funds for activities described in the Health Ministry Action Plan
- Participate in a screening event through referral of patients who need financial support
- Improve education and access to breast and prostate health services for African American, Pacific Islander and Hispanic men and women
- Empower health ministers to support their congregations in good health
- Increase the number of African American, Pacific Islander and Hispanic women from each congregation who receive a screening mammogram within a 18-month period
- Increase prostate health awareness and provide resources for African American, Pacific Islander and Hispanic men within the congregations